Fantaisie of White Snake-The Huqin Reflection of Wu Chi-Feng
吳奇峯 / 白蛇幻想 – 吳奇峯胡琴映象
Fantaisie of White Snake-The Huqin Reflection of Wu Chi-Feng
【白蛇幻想】胡琴套曲,其構思取材自中國古典名著【白蛇傳】這個家喻戶曉的淒美愛情故事,並由現代作曲家劉聖賢與胡琴演奏家吳奇峯攜手合作,共同演繹這張全新創作的【白蛇幻想 – 吳奇峯胡琴映象】。整部作品分成《前世今生》、《緣》、《衝突》、《因.果?》等四大樂章;〈緣起〉、〈幻化〉、〈收青〉、〈遊湖借傘〉、〈法海獻計〉、〈端午現形〉、〈盜仙草〉、〈水漫金山寺〉、〈斷橋〉、〈永鎮雷峰塔〉、〈天道輪迴〉、〈祭塔〉等12首樂曲。
樂曲中依故事人物劇情的刻畫,使用了高胡、二胡、中胡… 共五把胡琴加以演奏詮釋,讓音樂張力與故事情節更加緊密結合;加上作曲家劉聖賢精彩的編曲,幽靜、纏綿、爆棚的聲響;使整張專輯在聆聽時,宛如置身於【白蛇傳】虛擬實境的場景中,解放你對音樂的想像力;現在就讓我們隨著白素貞、許宣、法海與小青的愛恨情仇,飛翔遨遊於仙境、斷橋、雷峰塔中,如身歷其境。
Fantaisie of White Snake – the Huqin Reflection of Wu Chi-Feng
“Fantaisie of White Snake” – the Huqin Reflection of Wu Chi-Feng, was conceived from the well-known Chinese classical love story, [The Legend of the White Snake]. Collaborated by the modern music composer Liu, Shen-Hsien and the Huqin player Wu, Chi-Feng together, the newly reinvented “Fantaisie of White Snake” now came to life. This contemporary masterpiece is divided into 4 movements, respectively are “Last Life, This Life”, “Serendipity”, “Confrontation”, and “Cause and Effect”, and composed by ‘Origination’, ‘Transfiguration’, ‘The Green Snake surrendered’, ‘Offer Umbrella in a Lake Tour’, ‘The Advice of FaHai’, ‘The Primary Form revealed’, ‘Steal the Immortal Plant’, ‘Drowning Jinshan Temple’, ‘The Broken Bridge’, ‘Suppressed under LeiFeng Tower’, ‘Heavenly Rule of Reincarnation’, ‘Sacrifice ceremony at the Tower’, totally 12 pieces of music.
Following the every single portrayal of the characters in the story, various kinds of Huqins are used in this album, such as Gaohu, Erhu, Zhonghu… in order to present the best combination of melodies along with the storyline; coupled with the marvellous post-effects infused by the composer, revealing a perfect mixture of quiet, lingering atmosphere, as well as dramatically bursting sounds; when listening to the album, it gives you a virtual reality experience from the classic work of [The Legend of White Snake], liberating your imagination of music; so now, let’s go after Bai SuZhen, Xu Xuan, FaHai, and Qing's love, hatred, and entanglement, soaring between the fairyland, broken bridge, and LeiFeng Tower, as if we were there…
吳奇峯,1970 年生,臺南市人。畢業於國立臺南藝術大學民族音樂學研究所演奏理論組及中國文化大學音樂系國樂組,主修胡琴。師事陳淑芬、劉俊鳴、楊正安老師,並曾受安如礪、李大中、朱霖、陳如祈等老師指導;第二主修理論作曲,師事盧亮輝老師;碩士論文指導鄭德淵教授。現任當代藝林樂集音樂總監,曾任職於臺南市民族管絃樂團擔任專任演奏員兼拉絃組長,並於多所學校擔任胡琴教師。
2000年考入臺南市立民族管絃樂團擔任胡琴演奏員,並經常於音樂會中擔任胡琴獨奏及協奏曲演出,如《第一二胡狂想曲》、《廖添丁》、《西域隨想》、《江河雲夢》、《雲夢彼端》、《黑頭與花旦》⋯⋯等。除了例行的樂團演出外,並經常舉辦個人音樂會及樂曲編配。如【捕峯捉穎】、【峯情無限 ~ 吳奇峯師生音樂會】、【峯琴萬種 ~ 聽吳奇峯胡說八道】、【峯火奇緣~吳奇峯胡琴獨奏會】、【白蛇幻想~2021吳奇峯胡琴獨奏會】。同時與當代藝林樂集,結合國內外優秀音樂家、藝術家,共同呈現多元的跨界音樂會。以不同的演出風貌呈現【繽紛四季】、【她和他們…天王、天后、貴公子】、【新音樂的華麗冒險】、【玩轉柳琴】、【長河問琴】」⋯⋯等音樂會。首演作品有李哲藝的《府城隨想曲》胡琴與喉管協奏曲、李大中的《安平之戀》胡琴三重奏、黃振南的《廟前的榕樹下》月琴與大廣弦重奏、劉聖賢的《題弟侄書堂》三重奏及姚晨的《牧雲圖》四重奏、唐瑋廷的《霓裳羽衣隨想曲》、劉聖賢【白蛇幻想】胡琴套曲等多首樂曲。不僅以音樂來表達個人感性內斂情感、純熟技巧外,更展現多樣的藝術風格。
總長度 57:45
吴奇峯 / 白蛇幻想 – 吴奇峯胡琴映象
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